Monday, 18 June 2012

simultaneous equations

today we extended the linear graph topic to include solving simultaneous equations using the intersection point. Below is the class notes from the lesson.

the skills you need are to be able to graph linear functions and read coordinates.
Have a look at the bitesize link below for more information

Or for practise go to the system of equations under the year 9 topic list and have a turn

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Simple functions

For the past 2 weeks we have been looking at function. Last week Linear function was the focus and y=mx+c a key part of that. The students are expec5ted to be able to identify gradient and y-intercpets from graphs and write an equation in this form.
This week has seen us move to quadratics. Key terminology included, roots, line of symmetry, y-intercpets, turning points and nature of a parabola. The class has also been finding the equation from a table of values.
Below are some fo the class notes for the students to review in trhie own time.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Lesson was on Percetnage increase and decrease.
Investgate link between additive properties of percentage as strategies for increase/decrease problems
Consider the link to algebra to describe these properties

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Term 2 Welcome back

WElcome back to term 2 on Thursday for all my students in middle school. We are investigating mathematics on Thursday. Genreal topic is measurement so consider what topics might be included.
Area, perimeter, Volume

Thursday, 19 April 2012

This term our class is looking at measurement and continuing on the algebra strands of the curriculum.
Tasks for those who want them are to find out about a man called Pythagoras.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

linear function

Today we reviewed linear functions and defined terminology including
difference pattern and intercept. It is important that everyone is familiar with terms like coefficient, variable, pronumeral, equation and constant. This helps to define and describe relationships
Below are the notes the class

As always consider looking for different learning opportunities on the internet

Monday, 26 March 2012

Factorising Notes

Here are the notes from class on factorising.
Remember that the act of factorising is to write as a product.

Have a look on the net for youtube clips that explain this skill a different way.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Ratio review naplan

here are the notes from todays lesson

see if you can find other questions on bbc bitesize to practise

Monday, 12 March 2012

Algebraic Expressions

Algebra and its expressions has caused much stress amongst those starting out. Part of the problem is the overwelming language required to start with. Here are the notes our class did today to start to define the parts of expressions.

The references are from the textbook, for those who need to finish at home. Consider the link to BBC site again for practise in using expressions and their manipulation.
Check out the formula pages and activities.

Directed Number notes

Here are the notes on directed numbers or integers.

have a look at the negative number skills on this webpage and try the test.